All Articles
- What is konfer?
- What are konfer’s content sources?
- Who can use konfer?
- Where can I find the terms of use for konfer?
- Where can I find privacy policy information for konfer?
- About the top menu bar
- Resource types in konfer
- Resource landing pages
- Organisation and university landing pages
- What are konfer Categories?
- Working with the category view
- Ways of collaborating with universities using konfer
- How search works
- Searching for experts by name
- Setting a default location for search
- Searching results for all resource types
- Refining your search
- How are search results ordered?
- Relevance and relevance roundels
- Previewing further details for search results
- Seeing more search results for a resource type
- Help with filters
- Using Search Advisor to refine your search
- How to register
- Benefits of registration
- Email account verification
- What are Connection Requests?
- Making a Connection Request
- Where can I see my previous Connection Requests?
- How are Connection Requests dealt with?
- Submitting a Collaboration Opportunity
- Guide to preparing an effective Collaboration Opportunity
- Adding images to your Collaboration Opportunity
- Review and approval process for Collaboration Opportunities
- Publication and notification of Collaboration Opportunities
- Reviewing responses to Collaboration Opportunities
- Checking my current Collaboration Opportunities
- What is Search Advisor?
- How does Search Advisor work?
- Reviewing your account profile
- Changing your profile details
- Updating your user preferences
- The konfer business directory
- About the organisation landing page
- Exploring featured businesses and RTOs
- Tell me about Konfer innovation hubs
- CASE Collaborative PhD
- Collaborative Research
- Contract Research
- Doctoral Placements
- Facilities & Equipment
- Intellectual Property Licensing & Sale
- Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs)
- Private Consultancy
- Staff Exchange/ Industrial Secondment Scheme
- Steering groups & Advisory Boards
- Training CPD & Executive Education
- University Consultancy
- Why can’t I select the “Search Advisor” button for my search?
- How do I change my default location?
- How do I find resources close to me?
- I’ve sent a Connection Request, now what?
- How do I return to the Home page?
- Accessing konfer on my mobile device
- How do I change my profile details?
- I’ve forgotten my password
- I can’t find a particular expert
- How do I sign out?
- My expert profile is incorrect
- I want to be listed on konfer, how do I get on?
- I have another question about my expert profile or data
- Collaboration Opportunities from businesses and other organisations
- How are Connection Requests sent to us?
- Responding to Collaboration Opportunities and Connection Requests
- Changing our standing details for konfer
- How can we add more research or experts for our university?
- Adding collaboration opportunities to our university profile page
- Our university doesn’t have a dedicated profile page – how can we add one?
- How do I add equipment to konfer?
- Other enquiries from universities
- How can I get my organisation listed as a featured business?
- Adding Collaboration Opportunities to an organisation profile page
- How are companies added to the konfer business directory?
- I would like my company to be added to konfer business directory. How do I arrange this?
- What data is held on companies in the business directory?
- How can I update company details in the konfer directory?
- How can we manage the use of konfer by employees?
- Working with connection requests
- Other enquiries from businesses and RTOs
- Contacting the konfer support team
- How to get started on konfer
- How to create a collaboration on konfer
- How to respond to a collaboration on konfer
- How to add university Highlights