All Articles
What is konfer?
What are konfer’s content sources?
Who can use konfer?
Where can I find the terms of use for konfer?
Where can I find privacy policy information for konfer?
About the top menu bar
Resource types in konfer
Resource landing pages
Organisation and university landing pages
What are konfer Categories?
Working with the category view
Ways of collaborating with universities using konfer
How search works
Searching for experts by name
Setting a default location for search
Searching results for all resource types
Refining your search
How are search results ordered?
Relevance and relevance roundels
Previewing further details for search results
Seeing more search results for a resource type
Help with filters
Using Search Advisor to refine your search
How to register
Benefits of registration
Email account verification
What are Connection Requests?
Making a Connection Request
Where can I see my previous Connection Requests?
How are Connection Requests dealt with?
Submitting a Collaboration Opportunity
Guide to preparing an effective Collaboration Opportunity
Adding images to your Collaboration Opportunity
Review and approval process for Collaboration Opportunities
Publication and notification of Collaboration Opportunities
Reviewing responses to Collaboration Opportunities
Checking my current Collaboration Opportunities
What is Search Advisor?
How does Search Advisor work?
Reviewing your account profile
Changing your profile details
Updating your user preferences
The konfer business directory
About the organisation landing page
Exploring featured businesses and RTOs
Tell me about Konfer innovation hubs
CASE Collaborative PhD
Collaborative Research
Contract Research
Doctoral Placements
Facilities & Equipment
Intellectual Property Licensing & Sale
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs)
Private Consultancy
Staff Exchange/ Industrial Secondment Scheme
Steering groups & Advisory Boards
Training CPD & Executive Education
University Consultancy
Why can’t I select the “Search Advisor” button for my search?
How do I change my default location?
How do I find resources close to me?
I’ve sent a Connection Request, now what?
How do I return to the Home page?
Accessing konfer on my mobile device
How do I change my profile details?
I’ve forgotten my password
I can’t find a particular expert
How do I sign out?
My expert profile is incorrect
I want to be listed on konfer, how do I get on?
I have another question about my expert profile or data
Collaboration Opportunities from businesses and other organisations
How are Connection Requests sent to us?
Responding to Collaboration Opportunities and Connection Requests
Changing our standing details for konfer
How can we add more research or experts for our university?
Adding collaboration opportunities to our university profile page
Our university doesn’t have a dedicated profile page – how can we add one?
How do I add equipment to konfer?
Other enquiries from universities
How can I get my organisation listed as a featured business?
Adding Collaboration Opportunities to an organisation profile page
How are companies added to the konfer business directory?
I would like my company to be added to konfer business directory. How do I arrange this?
What data is held on companies in the business directory?
How can I update company details in the konfer directory?
How can we manage the use of konfer by employees?
Working with connection requests
Other enquiries from businesses and RTOs
Contacting the konfer support team
How to get started on konfer
How to create a collaboration on konfer
How to respond to a collaboration on konfer
How to add university Highlights