Filters help you narrow down results. If a results page can use filters, you will see the filter options appear on the page. It looks like this:

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Simply click on the filter button to open the filter options. The filters should appear below like so:

Image Placeholder

When the filter buttons are white with a grey outline and text, it means they are not active. To activate them click the button. Some filters will allow you to input your criteria such as years.

Both will turn green with white text like so:
Image Placeholder

Once the filters you want are active. Click the “Apply” button to apply them to your results. The results will update with your chosen criteria. For example, this filter set up will return results which have a project status as Active, the funded type is Innovate UK an KTP and it was published on or after 2015.

Pressing the “Clear Filter” button will remove all active filters

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Business Filters

On the business page, you can filter down the companies so that you can find the exact ones you need. The filters on this page work a little differently to the rest of the site.

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Clicking on the Filter button will cause a pop up to appear. This has all the filters available for business results.

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Once you have selected and inputted you criteria, click “Apply” to initiate the filters on the business results.

You can clear the filters by clicking “Clear Filters” or return to the results without any changes by clicking “Cancel