You can optionally add an image banner to your Collaboration Opportunity as well as a logo image for your organisation. Just use the buttons in the 'Create a Collaboration Page':

A file selector dialog box will be shown in each case. Just select the image files that you would like to use. 

The banner is a full width image that will be shown at the top of your Collaboration Opportunity page. You can submit banners and logos as jpeg files (.jpg).

The ideal banner image resolution is 1200 pixels wide x 360 pixels high (please ensure your image is as close to this as possible so as to avoid any distortion when shown on screen). 

The logo image resolution is 300 pixels wide x 100 pixels high (again, please ensure your image is as close to this as possible so as to avoid any distortion when shown on screen).

Please note, that if you are adding an opportunity as a university or business with a featured profile page (and are using the designated organisation account for this purpose), your organisation logo will be applied automatically. In this case, adding a logo image here will override the default image for your organisation.