What is it?

Advisory boards advise senior members of the University Research on Research Strategies and make funding decisions on Research Mobility Programme and development funding applications. They also promote awareness of WUN (Worldwide Universities Network) and the opportunities it offers and to encourage involvement in WUN activities across the University.


Academics use their experience and time to input to strategy, assess grant applications, advise government, public, third sector and private organizations on direction and policy.


Timelines will vary depending on the nature of the task. Assessing grant applications will have a finite deadline. Membership of a national panel on policy and strategy will be an appointment of a period of 3-5 years and re-appointments are common.


Members may be given a stipend and expenses but the biggest cost to members is the amount of time that needs to be dedicated to the task.


To maintain oversight of the various strands of engagement activity within the University. To provide a forum for greater connectivity between the strands of engagement. To give strategic direction and clarity with regard to participation in large/high profile engagement events. To oversee deployment of the central ‘Exceptional Projects’ fund. To provide access to institutional discussions for the UoS Public Engagement Network.

Suitable for which Businesses?

All members of the University, including staff, students, alumni, and external companies. The Internal Steering Group is made up of the Cabot Secretariat, the leaders of our six research themes, and a number of expert members from both research and professional services. Steering Groups meet regularly to jointly identify opportunities for connection, new ideas, funding, or impact.

How do you engage?

There are national calls for experts for particular areas or sectors. Individuals may be approached directly by funding bodies/government based on their professional reputations and experience.